Booking, Reminders, Messaging, Review Requests, and Service Alerts?

Yep, AdvisoRx does all that.

Turning first impressions into lasting relationships.

Overwhelmed by the endless ring of phones and the constant balancing act between servicing cars, managing appointments, and fielding calls?

AdvisoRx is for auto shops committed to exceptional service and streamlined workflows. With AdvisoRx, each team member can focus on what they do best, supported by a system that ensures every customer interaction is managed flawlessly.

AdvisoRx isn’t just another tool in your arsenal; it’s the catalyst for a profound transformation where every call is a step toward building stronger relationships and a more efficient shop operation.

The AdvioRx Suite

Booking Portal $abc value
Replace Auto-Ops Today
Configure lanes, services, schedules, and drop everything into a full blown Shop-Ware repair order. Key-drop QR code.
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Appointment Reminders $abc
What? Nobody Else even does this!
Reduce no-shows and stay updated with CTA Appointment Reminders for clients and action notifications for Service Advisors.
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Review Requests $abc value
Replace Broadly Today
Outrank the competition in local search: Source reviews only for certain jobs and from happy customers
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Service Alerts $abc value
Service Pro, eat your heart out
Proactive, personalized messages that keep timely, necessary maintenance top of mind. It's not about selling; it's about caring.
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Rx Action Center... Priceless.
The heartbeat of your shop
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Powered by SmartRoute, The Rx Action center is the core of your AdvisoRx service. Each AdvisoRx product works independently with the Rx Action Center, so no matter what services you subscribe to, you get the benefits of the Rx Action Center.

High-Level Stuff

Learn More About Smart Route

Prospecting Advisor: The Face of Your Company

Feature Deep Dives

Booking Portal
Appointment Reminders
Review Requests
Service Alerts